October 1, 2013

Illustrator who believes in the Transfomational Power of Art

For those of you who saw 'Super Soul Sunday' on Sunday October 29th, 2013. There was a truly inspirational short film on the illustrator Katie Daisy. I love the way the film has been shot: It has this vintage vibe about it, very in keeping with the artists work. Katie Daisy brings a lot of light into this world with her work, to quote what she says: "I've always felt that the words I choose actually choose me." I have been following her work for some time now when a friend gifted me a print. Kudos to her as she helps other Etsy Artists find inspiration and hope in what they do!! Posting a few images of her work: happy, whimsical and magical.

 Always follow and trust your heart...

 Feeling so much Love & Gratitude!